Cosplay 2013

I’ve wanted to write this post for a while,

and since the alternative evening activity is homework OR reading mean papers OR learning (…*sigh*) OR writing the blog post about enlightenment by the algebro,

it’s this post ^-^

In 2013 I did not cosplay new stuff very much, since I was pretty busy studying, or wore old costumes or stage costumes (and did not attend that many conventions at all).

But I sewed some new ones, and I’m a bit proud, so here they are:

Cosplay-year 2013 started with the book fair in Leipzig, where roomie, another friend and I participated in the ECG-Preliminary (we didn’t win anything, but we were awesome). We chose Ozais Angels (Azula, Mai and Ty Lee) from Avatar the last Airbender as characters, so that’s me:


(yep, that’s the Rhein in Bonn, we shooted at the Ani).

Then the Chisaii Con in Hamburg took place, I was helping the technician, so I did not cosplay too much,

but the amazing Chiko-chan ♥  shooted me as Utena (School Uniform) from Utena:


(please note the pink eyebrows. They are awesome.)

In Berlin was the Ongaku Matsuri, a ‘convention’ which exists for the sole purpose of watching the WCS-final in japan and to give a DCM-preliminary to the north of germany. I participated as Shaolan from Tsubasa Chronicles – Tokyo Revelations,

after sewing the costume in two nights. I still have horrible time management.


(yeah, it’s a boy, and I’m handsome!)

And then there was the Ani. At Friday I went in civil, since we arrived late and I didn’t want to change for an hour or so,

Saturday I wore Mai again and we did a shooting, and sunday was the interesting day:

My showgroups first official performance with new cast, my first performance in this showgroup (I had been in another before I joined), my first time on stage after two years absence…it was fun, although the picture captures my discontent with the role I played (yeah, Bubbles is awesome, I know. Buuuuuut…)


After the Ani comes the Connichi – I rarely cosplay there since I’m too busy working. I could insert a picture of exhausted me, but this would shatter the illusion that I’m pretty ^-^

Traditionally the MMC/AniMaCo is the last convention of the cosplay year,

on friday I wore last year’s (DCM) Utena:


(pink eyebrows again! and it actually doesn’t count, it’s an old costume!)

on saturday Bubbles again

and on sunday Roomie and I cosplayed Nami & Nojiko from One Piece.

Although we were female and not horribly ugly, there are no pictures. Perhaps we’ll shoot them some day…


“The soles of your shoes have the wrong colour…” – judge at a preliminary

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