Thought of the day

Job applications are a lot like dates.

You’re looking for it everywhere (online, the real world, friends),

you apply for everything that seems to suit you at least a bit,

there are multiple offers at once or none at all,

you think a lot about whether you need that or not.

There’s a reason why I only take this kind of effort for money,

which is coincidentally the same reason why I haven’t had a date in years.

I’m too awesome.

“I deserve to be loved!” – Crowley, Supernatural

Current status: Life is good


Since it has been a while since my last blog post and shinyy blog is starving, take this nothingness in 115 words.

While reviving my youth by writing fanfiction and watching DBZ (life was good back then), I grow into a responsible adult more and more.

Even the university is willing to give me a job. Holy cow. Money for something that’s actually useful to me!

Seems like I need to have root canal treatments before job interviews more often.

Now the only thing left to do is not spend all the money at once, but I will get there. I guess. New mobile, whoopwhoop!

“Ach, I am so mad!” – red devil, Dragonball Z abridged